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Copa-America Press Conference with Alejandro Dominguez (Conmebol President),Victor Montagliani (Concacaf President) & Sunil Gulati (USSF President ) in New York City !

Starlight Media Illustrated attended today's Copa-America Press Conference prior to the Final game between Argentina & Chile @ Metlife Stadium with 3 Vip's mentioned above & this is what they said:

Press/Media:Are You interested for future events to continue conbining both " The Conmebol & Concacaf  "confederations to play  a tournament every four years ? 

Alejandro Dominguez: I think is  a good question.We (Conmebol,Concacaf & USSF ) are here to promote and keep developing soccer.After a succesful tournament  this year & while we keep promoting soccer,we  welcome any new ideas to prome the sports.

Victor Montagliani : From Concacaf  perspective, this tournament is a great example how both confederations got together and worked together for this unique 100th year celebration and we are open to discussion but we haven't be able to alocate time to discuss  further.

Sunil Gulati :Well , from US perpective, I could say that from participating in the Copa-America and other tournaments, we are open for this discussion as well .

Press/Media: Who will  represent South-America for the Conferations Cup this year Chile or if Argentina wins on sunday Copa-America Centenario 2016 ?

Alejandro Dominguez: Chile was original named with FIFA to represent the South-America wth the confederation Cup since they won the 2015 Copa-America Crown.I also want to add that I proposed to

FIFA that the Copa-America Champion on sunday  plays the Champion of the European Cup to be play in South-America and I still waiting for an answer.

Press-Media: You claim that most of the success comes from the people that attended the stadium were fans who wanted to see their country national soccer teams , since the goal is to promote & develop the sports in the US, Why the tickets for the game were so high, an average of  $300.00 to $400.00 and up for the Copa-America matches even for the average American who wanted to see a nice & high level soccer games ?

Sunil Gulati:Well, the attendance was planned for an average of 30,000 but we did pretty good ending with 46,000 per game, more than we expected in our 7 months preparations.Regarding about the ticket price you mentioned about Spanish fans and US fans , well there is a big interception between them

since most of the fans happens to be Americans who happens to be latins and the fans of the US team.For this tournaments we had a dynamic pricing structure and only 7 months to organize it.We had some matches that were very popular and others as other competitions, but if you are not going to change the price after the draw there might be some effects on the revenue.If all markets have the same price structure there will be an inequality of course, you will have more people in one end but the revenue will suffer in the sold-out matches.We will certainly look it over again but the price of the events were much in line with events of this magnitute, weather is  American Football (NFL) or other international event,well then there is Europe an average of $100.00 but there were also tickets for $35.00 and $50.00 for the first rounds which is quite normal and we will look at it again sure but there will be a lot sell-out and there will be a big revenue effect and this is a very expensive tournament going on....

Women Starlight Illustrated, a Division of Starlight Illustrated, A US NewsMedia Magazine. Wall Street Station, P.O.Box 859, New York, New York 10268 USA . All Rights Reserved 2025.

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